Master LinkedIn and Connect Directly with Hiring Manager

Most people know how to find jobs online and apply for them. One big frustration for job seekers is making sure your application reaches a real person who will give it serious consideration.

Fortunately, you have a powerful weapon in connecting directly and personally with the hiring manager of your target position. LinkedIn is a huge resource for companies posting jobs and recruiters searching for job candidates, and it’s a powerful tool for you as a job seeker as well.

Use LinkedIn to identify and make contact with the decision-maker of your target job.

Find Potential Jobs on LinkedIn

From the LinkedIn home page, click on the Jobs tab. Then, browse “Top job picks for you.” You can also set your preferences from the panel options on the left. Be sure to use the Search bar to find specific job titles and locations.

This is a great place to start browsing available jobs to get a sense of what’s out there and how those jobs’ key qualifications are described. (Hint: You’ll be using that information to tailor your resume and LinkedIn profile.)

You can also use the Search bar to search specific job titles and narrow down your location.

Identify the Job Poster

  • Look for the “Contact the job poster” section in job announcements.
  • If not available, use the search bar to find the hiring manager, recruiter, or talent acquisition person at the target company.

tips on how to use linkedin when applying for a job by RedRocketResume

Unfortunately, many jobs posted on LinkedIn won’t make your job quite so easy. Jobs like this one don’t include the “Contact the job poster” section.

tips on how to use linkedin when applying for a job by RedRocketResume

But don’t worry! With a little LinkedIn sleuthing, you can often identify the job poster yourself!

In the search bar, enter

  • A term like hiring manager, talent acquisition, or recruiter.
  • The target company name

Here I tried Hiring Manager McKesson Specialty Health, but that didn’t yield good results. I tried with Recruiter McKesson Specialty Health, and voila!, here’s someone whose job title is “Senior Recruiter, Talent Acquisition at McKesson Specialty Health.” I also noticed that her location is the same location as my target job. I don’t know for certain, but chances are high that this is the person my job application needs to reach.

tips on how to use linkedin when applying for a job by RedRocketResume

Make Contact on LinkedIn

Now that you know the name of the job poster and have a way to contact them, you’re at a huge advantage in your job application. Here’s how you can use this information to help your application hit the mark.

Look into the job poster’s background.
Check out their LinkedIn profile and go through their posts. This may give you some insights into the company’s direction and the poster’s approach. You may find some common ground and get a clearer understanding of how to tailor your application to their needs.

Send the job poster a LinkedIn connect request. Click on the “connect” box next to their name. When the “You can customize this invitation box” pops up, click “Add a note.”

tips on how to use linkedin when applying for a job by RedRocketResume

A brief note ups your chances that the person will accept your request. You can try something like this:


I’m a Customer Engagement Director in the healthcare field and I’m interested in applying for your Customer Engagement and Implementation position. I’m assembling my application now. Can you give me any insights on what you’re looking for in this role?

Best wishes,

Jane Jobs

Hot tip: The job poster is now highly likely to browse through your LinkedIn profile. Make sure it’s complete, professional, error-free, and in line with the desired qualifications for this job.

Address your cover letter specifically to this person.

Use the job poster’s name instead of “Dear Hiring Manager” or “To whom it may concern.”

Let’s be honest. This kind of sleuthing and outreach can feel very uncomfortable. No one wants to be intrusive or overstep.

However, keep in mind a few things. First, hiring managers are as invested as you are in finding the right person for the job. If you’re truly, honestly a strong candidate, they want to connect with you. (And if you’re not really qualified, then perhaps you should adjust your strategy to avoid wasting your time and theirs.)

And think of the huge difference between generic, mass-produced communication and those directed specifically at you. By doing your homework about the company and its hiring team, you’re doing them a favor by making sure your application is in line with what they’re looking for.

Check out more tips for sleuthing potential companies here. And if you’ve had success – or fails – connecting with hiring managers through LinkedIn, I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.

Happy job hunting!