Done-For-You Resume Tailoring

Navigating the job market can be overwhelming, especially with the need to customize your resume for each application to pass Applicant Tracking System (ATS) filters. Even if you have a stellar resume, the keyword tailoring process can keep you from seizing new job opportunities.

If you don’t customize your resume keywords for each job description, your resume may not score well on ATS keyword filters. Your application may get rejected before a human ever reviews your resume!

But tailoring your resume keywords each time you submit an application is sooo time-consuming. It can become a roadblock that keeps you from applying for good-fit openings.

That’s where Upword Resume steps in with our Resume Tailoring subscriptions. We boost your job application success by helping you apply to MORE jobs and SCORE HIGHER on ATS.

Personalized Resume Keyword Tailoring

With Upword Resume’s Resume Tailoring for ATS, you have an expert resume writer on retainer.

Send us the job description you’re targeting, and we’ll meticulously analyze the keywords and qualifications to identify the verbiage your resume needs.

We’ll do the legwork to make sure your resume scores high on ATS keyword filters, significantly boosting your chance of advancing in the hiring funnel, getting interviews, and landing the job!

Curated Job Roundup

With our Job Seeker and Turbo Resume Tailoring packages, we’ll take it one step further: Not only will we customize your resume keywords, we’ll actually track down jobs you can apply for right away.

With our Curated Job Roundup, we scour multiple sources to gather job openings that align with your career goals, target industry, and location and that are currently accepting applications.

All you need to do is highlight the roles that interest you, and we’ll customize your resume specifically for those positions.

We’ll continually update your Job Roundup so you always have a fresh source of great new jobs.

Subscription Packages to Fit Every Job Seeker

Whether you are actively searching or passively keeping an eye on the market, our subscription packages are designed to fit your job-seeking pace.

If you want to be ready for great opportunities as they come along, choose our OPPORTUNITY SEEKER subscription with 2 resumes per month.

If you’re in active job search mode and building out your application pipeline, choose our JOB SEEKER subscription level and get 10 resumes per month, plus weekly updates to your Job Roundup.

And if you’re serious about landing a new job as soon as possible, our TURBO BOOST subscription includes 20 resumes per month. That’s 5 resumes per week! Plus daily updates to your Job Roundup.

If resume keyword customization and ATS filters are holding you back, let us take resume tailoring off your to-do list, so you can focus on what you do best: preparing for your next big opportunity.

Learn more about our Resume Tailoring subscriptions here.