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Your resume writer is juuuust about ready to get to work cooking up a stellar resume just for you.


But first, we need some basic information about your work history.

Use the form below to give us a starting point. Don’t worry about crafting detailed or elegant answers, and skip any questions that aren’t relevant. Just jot down the basics and we’ll take it from there!

On your phone? Want to finish this later? No problem. We’ve sent a link to your email so you can come back at your convenience.

Making a purchase on behalf of someone else? We love that! Just enter their name and email at the bottom of this form and we’ll follow up with them directly.

  • Your Current Resume

    Upload a copy of your existing resume, preferably in Microsoft Word .doc format.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: docx, pdf, doc, Max. file size: 50 MB.
    • Your Job Target

      The first step to writing an effective resume is identifying your job target. Where would you like to see your career go?
    • Job Postings

      If possible, provide links to job postings that describe your target position. That way, your writer can make sure your resume is geared to your goals.
    • What Sets You Apart

      Effective resumes convey a unified message about what makes you different and what you bring to the table.
    • The strongest contributors in a resume are quantifiable achievements. Brainstorm any ballpark estimates that quantify your work in this position–percentage of growth, reduction of work hours, amount of inventory.
    • Work History

      Chronological data about your past employment and work activities is the skeleton of a professional resume. Upload your existing resume. Or use the fields below to provide the basic, where-when-what of your work experience.